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API Documentation for autofill_disable Plugin

options : object

By default, Selectize allows the browser to autofill the control input provided by the user. This plugin disables that behavior by generating a random name and autocomplete attribute. This is a workaround for the fact that browsers do not allow disabling autofill.

There are several ways to disable autofill, but they all have drawbacks and are not handled the same way across all browsers:

  • Set the attribute autocomplete="off": This is the most common way to disable autofill, but it is not supported by all browsers.
  • Set the attribute autocomplete="new-password": This is the most common way to disable autofill in modern browsers, but it is not supported by all browsers.
  • Add a readonly attribute to the input and remove the property after the user has interacted with the control.
  • Set the input type to search or tel: in conjuntion with autocomplete="off".
  • Wrap the input in a div, and add a hidden input with a tabindex of -1, and styled with 'display: none;'.
  • Add a duplicate hidden input with the same name, but a different id.
  • Use a randomizes name and autocomplete attribute.

Kind: global typedef
Author: Ris Adams

plugins: ['autofill_disable']